Our partner insurance provider can offer you:
- A bespoke Landlords Insurance Policy
- Competitive premiums
- Complimentary features
Risks covered by our Buy to Let insurance policies include:
- All risks' material loss or damage to buildings and/or contents
- Include occupation by students and Housing Benefit tenants at no extra cost
- Cover for costs of rehousing a tenant, up to 10% of the building sum insured, following insured damage to the property
- Loss of Rent cover for up to 12 months to a maximum of 20% of the building sum insured, following insured damage to the property
- Property Owners' Liability Cover up to £5,000,000 indemnity for any one incident (restricted to £2,000,000 for terrorism)
- Employers' Liability Cover up to £10,000,000 indemnity for any one incident for cleaners, gardeners, caretakers and persons doing minor maintenance and repairs (restricted to £5,000,000 for terrorism)
- Up to 90 days cover between lets for unoccupied properties subject to certain precautions
- No increase in premium for non-standard construction (except thatch or timber-built)
- Cover for unoccupied properties up to 60 days from being first insured or 90 days between lets
For more information or a quote please click here, call Alicia on 0191 640 4604 or email
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