Welcome to AMRP

Hi, welcome to AMRP. We provide innovative solutions, turning empty properties into homes.

Have you considered relocating to the North East of England?

Relocate in a few simple steps.

We're a Pet Friendly landlord

Working in partnership with Farplace Animal Rescue - www.farplace.org.uk

Bedroom Tax

AMRP properties aren't affected by the bedroom tax.

Arrears Attachment

Do you have a tenant, still in your property but in arrears?


If your tenant is in receipt of one of the below benefits would you like an additional £3.60 per week, paid direct to you to help clear the arrears and ensure the tenancy remains sustainable?


This is possible, if your tenant is in receipt of one of the below benefits we can apply for deductions from those benefits to the maximum value of £3.60 per week, this will be deducted from the tenants benefit and sent direct to you as landlord.

  • Income Support
  • Income-Based Jobseekers allowance ( JSA )
  • Pension Credit
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance ( ESA )
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Passport to incapacity benefit
  • Widows Benefit
  • Widows Mothers Allowance
  • State Retirement Pension


IMPORTANT: You must read the full criteria before submitting your application.  If all criteria are not met, your application may be refused and the fee cannot be refunded.  Click here to read the full criteria before proceeding.


AMRP are able to assist you in making this application for a single fee of £14.40 including VAT. All we need are some basic details about the tenancy from you and we do the rest!


Click here to apply for an Arrears Attachment


Property Redress Scheme

AMRP is a member of the Property Redress Scheme. View certificate.
AMRP is a member of clientmoneyprotect.co.uk, a Client Money Protection Scheme. View certificate.