Tenant Reference Service Application |
Data Protection Legislation Andrew Marshall Residential Properties Limited is registered as a Data Controller of personal data under Data Protection law (including the General Data Protection Regulations) with UK Information Commissioner's Office. Your information will be used for the purposes of completing a housing reference and assisting you with your housing circumstance. We will share your information with credit reference agencies and relevant financial institutions to help us determine your reference result. To read our Privacy Policy (how we use, share and retain your personal data) please click here.
Right to Rent Criteria I/we understand in applying, that should I/we be offered a tenancy, I/we will be required to submit to AMRP, identification to confirm satisfaction of the Right to Rent criteria. This identification can be sent by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Pet Tenancy AMRP issues a separate Pet Tenancy. You would agree not to keep or permit to be kept in the property, any further pets or animals of any description without the previous consent in writing from the landlord. You hereby undertake and agree to remedy or pay for any damage caused to the property and/or contents of the property which have been caused by the pet residing in the property. For the avoidance of any doubt any such damage shall not be deemed as fair wear and tear. You agree to pay for the professional cleaning of the property at the end of the tenancy including all carpets, and treating the property for fleas and mites.
Declaration I/we certify that the information given in relation to my/our application is true, and we understand that if I/we knowingly or recklessly give any false information then my/our application may be cancelled. I/we understand that my/our previous landlords will be contacted in order to provide information relevant to re-housing. I/we understand that the reference information will relate to rent arrears, nuisance, noise and any other breach of tenancy. I/we understand that the information will be stored under the conditions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and used for the purpose listed in the Data Protection Legislation section above.